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Take Action!

We recently sent City leaders an Open Letter calling for the City of Grand Rapids to deliver on its community-wide emissions reduction goal and deliver climate justice results. The letter's original signatories are listed below.


You too can sign in support of this message below, with your letter going straight to officials' inboxes. Thanks for taking action! 


Signatories on the coalition's original Open Letter to city leadership include:

GR Climate Coalition member organizations, collaborative partners, and community supporters, including:


All Souls Community Church of West Michigan

Catalyst Partners

Cathedral of Saint Andrew

Church of the Servant

Dominican Sisters - Grand Rapids

EGReen Sustainability Initiative

Foresight Management

Grand Rapids Citizens Climate Lobby Chapter

Grand Rapids Democratic Socialists of America (GRDSA)

Grand Rapids Food Co-op

Green Projects Group

Growing Green Grand Rapids

Healthy Planet Strategies

Jade Rabbit


Kennari Consulting

Kent County Food Policy Council 


Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action (MiCCA)

Michigan Humanists

MI Green Amendment

Mixto Communications

Plymouth United Church of Christ


Public Thread

Scales Consulting llc

Sierra Club Michigan Chapter

Speciation Artisan Ales

The Meanwhile

The Pyramid Scheme

West Michigan Environmental Action Council

Along with these residents and stakeholders, with more to follow: 

Kilian Roach

David Crandall

Angela Violet

Kelly McCabe

David Hast

Kareem Scales

Rev. Colleen Squires

Chris Barsy-Eckman

Gloria Koch

Hannah Price

Amy Kurtz

Heidi Browning

Mikaela Harris

Shirley McArdle

Johanna Bpyle 

Sarah Schmidt

Justin Colwell

John A Chronowski

Ericka Lozano-Buhl

Caroline Kadziolka

William Gallmeyer

Karen Ann Weaver

Dr. Steven Ashmead MD 

Zoe Braun

Sister Mary Brigid Clingman, OP

Cathie Benoit

David McGrath

Bob Synk

Rev. Richard Killmer

Bill Wood, MSW

Cindy Krieg

Carlos Calderon

Carlyn Arteaga

Elizabeth Jensen

Darren Riley

Sarah Chatterley

Dr. Greg Forbes

Peter Skornia

Laura Kruisenga

Becca Waite

Cheyne LeVesseur

Ken Porter

Jacquelyn J Del Raso

Heath Haverdink

Virginia L Kuilema 

Alexis VanZalen

Danny McGee

Katie Brower

Gregory G Klein

Liev Williams

David S. Koetje

Diane Mahon

Katie Gorman

Jackie & Elgin Vines

Matt Boes

Sara DeBoer

Roger Taylor

Staci DeVries

Lucas Leverett

Jan Strait

Marc Castro

Bryan Heystek

Kyle Simpson

Eleanor Moreno

Benjamin Glendening

Kyle Rieth

Anna Kornoelje 

Ken Miguel-Cipriano

Alisa Flores (Latino

Community Coalition)

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